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21 May

I woke up this morning to this note from the universe and it could not have been more perfect considering I am 48 days away from turning 30 and my crazy journey is coming to an end.


The very best moment in any long journey that makes your dreams come true, Kate, comes not on the day you realize they have, but on the day you realize how little they matter compared to loving the adventure they’ve inspired. 

Don’t ask me why, I just know what I know – 
    The Universe


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7 Apr

We shot a 365 til 30 promo piece yesterday and it was so much fun to see the project and goals come alive in video! Here’s a sneak peek…

I’m off to Costco to get road trip supplies which should be a really fun place on a Saturday!


21 Feb

Coming off yesterday’s post, I am sure this will NOT come as a surprise to you- I have hit a bit of a midlife crisis with 365 til 30. Or, as Maggi, my life coach so kindly put it- “I think 365 til 30 is starting to run you now, instead of you running it”. Ouch. What a painful thing to hear but so true. The ten goals that gave me SOOOOO much joy 6 months ago have started to feel like chores- totally not the point of this project! Maggi has urged me to remember why I originally wanted to accomplish these goals and to focus on the joy and excitement the thought of experiencing them brought me.

 When I started 365 til 30 six months ago,  I was off and running right out of the gate. Full of excitement and wonder, I happily embarked on the adventure of camping and Tassajara. After accomplishing them I moved onto my other goals for the year- learn to cook, master the tango, speak French fluently, work with my favorite websites, publish my writing (I have a book proposal floating around at a publisher…fingers crossed) and volunteer. I have realized these goals are less finite and instead are an ongoing process. I am constantly tending to them.

The last two goals…Drive Across the USA (which I am in the process of planning for April) and getting Frank, my French Bulldog (which will happen when we move) are goals that I am still working towards. With the road trip fast approaching I happen to think about it all the time. I am DYING with excitement to drive across the USA with my girlfriend Rachel– she is the perfect friend to do this with and equally excited! This goal has always been one of my favorites on the list because it’s something I have dreamed of doing since I was little girl and I can’t believe I’m finally going to do it! As the trip approaches though I have started to feel a bit anxious about it. When I put it on the list I always wondered how I would take the time off to do it right. It’s not like it’s ever really convenient to leave your life for 3-4 weeks…work and money are valid concerns. My remedy for the fear is to remember the joy the idea of accomplishing it brings me and keep putting one foot in front of the other.

With so much on my plate I decided I needed a focused plan towards finding the joy in the goals again.

I start another round of tango classes on Monday the 27th for 6 weeks and I will not skip one class…not one!

I will find one new exciting dish a week to learn! (last night it was fish provencal! It was soooooooooo gooooood- post coming!)

I will continue my volunteer work at PATH once a week.

I will spend 4 hours a week practicing my French in preparation for my trip to Paris in July!!!

I will finalize all the details for our road trip from a joyful place instead of an anxious place so that we are ready to embark on the journey in April!!

I will stay positive and grateful about the fact that my book proposal is floating around  in the world instead of anxious.

I will re-stratagize my approach for working with Take Part and Explore- I have had sooooo many meetings with both of them and feel like the timing has been off…but maybe I need to re-think my approach.

I will commit to weekly sessions with Maggi starting this week. It doesn’t matter how busy I am! They will be a priority because they always keep me focused, calm, joyful and on-track.

Oh, and most importantly, I will commit to being grateful and enjoy the process….otherwise what the hell is the point right??!


Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death.

Anais Nin


20 Feb

Considering Brian ends up choosing most of the movies we watch on movie night, I decided to force him to watch “Julie & Julia” (I think he actually liked it) last night. I had seen the film when it originally came out but I have been wanting to see it again ever since I started this blog. For those of you who have not seen it  I will give you a quick breakdown- Julie Powell (played by Amy Adams) is in a rut…her life feels like it’s going nowhere, she hates her job and she’s feeling pretty blah. So in an inspired moment she starts a blog titled the “Julie & Julia project” where she tackles 527 Julia Child recipes in 365 days. In the process turning her life around and finding her joy again. Clearly you can see why I may have wanted to see the film again?? It shares a lot of the same themes as 365 til 30.

I loved the scenes that followed Julia Child (played by Meryl Streep) living in Paris. I found so much inspiration in seeing then considering my upcoming trip and obsession with Paris. I went to bed dreaming of Paris! Oh and  the cooking scenes with both women made me to want to tackle a recipe tonight! I actually have a Julia Child cookbook that I am going to pick a recipe from for tonight- post to follow. But what inspired me most was watching Julie find her joy again through a blog/project while tracking the ups and downs of the process. I totally related to the scene where Julie has a breakdown on her kitchen floor and turns to her husband, and asks with tears in her eyes, “What happens if I can’t tackle all the recipes?!?” It reminded me so much of the night I came home a few months ago from a crazy day of tango, baking and French and had a melt down on our bed. As I sobbed I asked Brian “What happens if I can’t do any of the goals well or get them all finished in 365 days?!? Huh, then what Brian?!” He looked at me and said “I think your readers will only be sad if you don’t get Frank.”

I have to admit I still get wrapped up with how this is going to come together in the remaining 5 months until my 30th birthday. Am I really going to get all these goals accomplished? Is that why you guys like my blog? To see if I succeed? Or is it the process? I am in a constant battle with myself about it. My type A personality is very focused on the goals to the point where I get a little crazy while my zen personality is just enjoying the process.

So my question for you is….Is it the result or the process?

With that said I am off to tackle a Julia Child recipe.


“Find something you’re passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it.”
Julia Child


17 Feb


-What inspired me this week?-

trapeze class

daydreaming of Paris

The woman in this video knocked my socks off!! She’s 108 years old and a Holocaust survivor- I found her spirit and outlook on life inspiring . My favorite line was “Everything is a present”….

 -What am I grateful for this week?-

My sweet boy who planned a lovely Valentines Day! He took me on two great dates…our first date was a burger and movie night- we saw the old film The African Queen which I loved. On our second date he surprised me with 4 dozen roses and dinner at Lily’s which is my favorite French restaurant.

 Bethenny Ever After starts again next week! There is a God!

-What surprised me this week?-

I surprised even my-crazy-self when I booked a one-way flight to Paris- I leave on July 15th!! I had exactly enough miles to get there and I thought why the hell not and booked the flight. If I can’t get back then I will move to Paris…how bad could that be? Kidding I would really miss Brian! I plan to rent an apartment and pretend I live in Paris for two weeks. Most likely I will be going by myself unless any of my girlfriends decide to join! (hint hint Taline, Crystal, Jen and Rachel) Either way I am fine with it…I think Paris could be kinda fun alone- I would practice my French, write, eat, drink, sleep, explore…can you say heaven??? Of course I will be bringing you all there with me as well.


‎”With realization of one’s own potential and self-confidence in one’s ability, one can build a better world.”

~ The Dalai Lama ~


15 Feb

“Your work is to discover your work and then with all your heart to give yourself to it.”



13 Feb

My note from the universe this morning-

With the vista of a new year still dawning, is it my imagination, Kate, or is someone out there forgetting that the “hows” are my domain? That when it comes to manifesting change, their real job is to focus upon the end result. And that simply doing what they can, with what they’ve got, from where they are, will always be enough to move heaven and earth?

I didn’t think so.

The Universe

I rather like this note. It came at the perfect time considering I have been obsessed with the “hows”. How is the road trip stuff all going to fall into place? How will I take that time off of life & work? How will we move in the next few months with everything going on? If we don’t move how will we get Frank? How will I make Paris a reality in June? How will my book proposal be received? How will I get back to Tassajara this spring? How will my goal of contributing to Explore and Takepart come together with all the moving parts? How will everything fall into place exactly the way I want? How? How? How?

Exhausting questions because they don’t have answers! With that being said I am off to a Trapeze class this afternoon. I think it will be the perfect activity to help me get out of my head. Although it looks like it’s about to rain? That can’t be good.  I can’t trapeze in the rain can I? It seems like rain will make an already challenging activity needlessly more challenging. I guess we will see if it actually still happens today! My mother is supposed to be joining me on this adventure as well and I would hate to think of the disappointment she would feel if it got cancelled. Last night she texted me this-

“I wouldn’t miss it. Hoping I can get into Cirque de Soliel

Yes, it appears the type A monster may make an appearance today.  She doesn’t just thrive on the French language he likes the trapeze too- she’s versatile.


12 Feb

{Aunt Paule & I in Paris}

I’ve got Paris on the brain. I had breakfast with my Aunt Paule and she  inspired me to make Paris a reality for my birthday. This is a woman who may love Paris more than me…hard to imagine but it’s true. She rents an apartment there most years and spends a few weeks by herself in the city. How cool is she? This year she is going in May to celebrate her 80th birthday!! Love love love this! I was telling her that I wanted to go in the summer to celebrate my 30th and she insisted I book the trip. I’m thinking she may be right and ever since our breakfast I cannot stop daydreaming about being in Paris. I think it would be a perfect way to wrap up 365 til 30.


10 Feb


{photo via A House In The Hills }

This weekend should be a fun one! Today I am off to meet New York Ali for a hike. When she’s in town we usually make hiking together a top priority…that, and a frozen yogurt…usually in that order. Tonight I am making a southern dish for dinner. I’ve decided it would be fun to cook dishes inspired by my destinations on the road trip and I’m watching movies that highlight the different cities as well! Doesn’t that sound kind of silly and fun? Tonight we start with shrimp jambalaya and either watch Fried Green Tomatoes or Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil…maybe both! We’re pretty crazy on a Friday night so you never know. Saturday we’re meeting Brian’s family at the Natural History Museum for a tour. I honestly can’t remember the last time I was there…maybe never? It should be interesting and I always love spending time with his family- I am not just saying that for brownie points either. Saturday night we’re having dinner with friends at a new restaurant and I always love trying new restaurants. Sunday, Brian is taking me on a date to see The African Queen at the Arclight- the theatre is showing romantic old movies in celebration of Valentines Day. What a sweet idea huh? I know nothing about the movie other than Katherine Hepburn is in it and I like her so I’m in. I was pretty pleased with him for finding something off the beaten path to do. Nice one, Bri guy. Oh and guess what I am doing Monday morning???? I am taking a trapeze class! Rather ridiculous but sounds pretty fun right? I haven’t been this excited in a long time.

-What inspired me this week?-

Reading your comments on the happy post.

Brainstorming Brian’s 30th bday. Somebody’s going to be 30 real soon!!

It really may be possible to spend a week in Paris before my 30th bday. If nobody can come with me then I will go by myself!

Ordering Rosetta Stone tapes. I’m back French!

Signing up for Tango lessons starting Monday night. They run 6 weeks. I’m back Tango!

-What am I grateful for this week?-

I have been in a delightful mood for no reason at all. It’s so nice when that happens.

-What surprised me this week?-

How good dinner at AXE was! I had to laugh though because my meal was filled with parsnips- I can’t escape those little guys!


“You must find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible.”

Deepak Chopra


8 Feb


 I was rummaging through an old box and found this piece of paper which I find disturbingly funny. For those of you who can’t read it, it’s my French progress report from 9th grade. It’s painfully obvious that I didn’t care much about French 15 years ago. I actually laughed out loud when I read the line- “Kate’s essay failed to meet the minimum requirement and she has yet to re-do it. I have scheduled appointments with her to discuss the essay but, for a variety of reasons she has not kept them.” Don’t you just love it? I couldn’t be bothered to meet with my teacher about my incomplete essay? I must have been soooooooo busy back then. In my defense, I thought my teacher, Monsieur Decker, was a crap. All 4 years we spent together we never got along. I wonder where he is now? Maybe I wouldn’t find him as mean today. Wouldn’t it be funny if I found him to teach me French before I turned 30? Ha.

I do have (positive) news to report regarding French though! I ordered Rosetta Stone tapes. I am convinced that this will be my ticket. I’m feeling very confident. I just needed a little break from French to re-group and re-focus…Saturday French classes with my mother (a surprise type A student) really took it out of me. Kidding, Mom!