Tag Archives: French


11 Jun

People That I Love

Aunt Paule

Today is my lovely Aunt Paule’s 80th (sorry, the cat’s out of the bag, Auntie) birthday and I thought, what better day to write her “people that I love” post!! But once I decided I was going to write it, I thought…how the heck am I going to put Aunt Paule into words??

She’s such a big, amazing personality.

Aunt Paule and I are technically not related by blood but I feel more connected to her than I do some of my blood relatives! She came into my life through marriage- she’s my ex-stepfather David’s aunt- yes we are one of “those” families: most people need a visual aid to understand all the crazy the connections in our family (to tell you the truth I’m not sure if Brian understands it all to this day).

Some of my favorite qualities about Auntie Paule…

She is the most generous human I know. An example of this- every year for her birthday she takes the  women in the family to the spa for the day! SHE DOES THIS FOR HER BIRTHDAY…backwards, huh? Backwards and amazing if you ask me. This crazy tradition got even crazier when she decided to take us all to Paris (her favorite city) for her 75th birthday! Above and beyond, huh?! It was probably one of the most magical 10 days of my life. The five of us had so much fun playing in Paris- this was the trip I fell in love with all things Parisian.

Aunt Paule is also the most particular person I know. Get her a birthday gift? I think not. It most likely would be something she didn’t like and would have to return. One year I bought her a candle thinking that would be a very “safe” gift. Who doesn’t like candles, right? Well, Aunt Paule doesn’t like scents and sadly that means she doesn’t like candles. She actually looked a tad offended when she opened the box and a scent came wafting out of it. I wasn’t bothered by it though, I respect that she knows what she likes and isn’t afraid to say it!

Aunt Paule is thoughtful and always sends me sweet notes- she is probably the only person who sends me mail anymore and I look forward to them! Aunt Paule is a character- she has been known to interrogate all new boyfriends and girlfriends when they come into the family- I think Brian did very well on his first round. Aunt Paule is wise and always gives me sage advice- the really good kind..the kind that comes from experience and love. Aunt Paule is funny. She started a blog entitled “80 to 80” a few months ago in homage to my blog.

Aunt Paule brings so much to my life. She’s not only my Auntie she’s my friend and I am so thankful that she’s in my life!!

Happy Birthday Auntie Paule. I love you.


12 Feb

{Aunt Paule & I in Paris}

I’ve got Paris on the brain. I had breakfast with my Aunt Paule and she  inspired me to make Paris a reality for my birthday. This is a woman who may love Paris more than me…hard to imagine but it’s true. She rents an apartment there most years and spends a few weeks by herself in the city. How cool is she? This year she is going in May to celebrate her 80th birthday!! Love love love this! I was telling her that I wanted to go in the summer to celebrate my 30th and she insisted I book the trip. I’m thinking she may be right and ever since our breakfast I cannot stop daydreaming about being in Paris. I think it would be a perfect way to wrap up 365 til 30.


10 Feb


{photo via A House In The Hills }

This weekend should be a fun one! Today I am off to meet New York Ali for a hike. When she’s in town we usually make hiking together a top priority…that, and a frozen yogurt…usually in that order. Tonight I am making a southern dish for dinner. I’ve decided it would be fun to cook dishes inspired by my destinations on the road trip and I’m watching movies that highlight the different cities as well! Doesn’t that sound kind of silly and fun? Tonight we start with shrimp jambalaya and either watch Fried Green Tomatoes or Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil…maybe both! We’re pretty crazy on a Friday night so you never know. Saturday we’re meeting Brian’s family at the Natural History Museum for a tour. I honestly can’t remember the last time I was there…maybe never? It should be interesting and I always love spending time with his family- I am not just saying that for brownie points either. Saturday night we’re having dinner with friends at a new restaurant and I always love trying new restaurants. Sunday, Brian is taking me on a date to see The African Queen at the Arclight- the theatre is showing romantic old movies in celebration of Valentines Day. What a sweet idea huh? I know nothing about the movie other than Katherine Hepburn is in it and I like her so I’m in. I was pretty pleased with him for finding something off the beaten path to do. Nice one, Bri guy. Oh and guess what I am doing Monday morning???? I am taking a trapeze class! Rather ridiculous but sounds pretty fun right? I haven’t been this excited in a long time.

-What inspired me this week?-

Reading your comments on the happy post.

Brainstorming Brian’s 30th bday. Somebody’s going to be 30 real soon!!

It really may be possible to spend a week in Paris before my 30th bday. If nobody can come with me then I will go by myself!

Ordering Rosetta Stone tapes. I’m back French!

Signing up for Tango lessons starting Monday night. They run 6 weeks. I’m back Tango!

-What am I grateful for this week?-

I have been in a delightful mood for no reason at all. It’s so nice when that happens.

-What surprised me this week?-

How good dinner at AXE was! I had to laugh though because my meal was filled with parsnips- I can’t escape those little guys!


“You must find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible.”

Deepak Chopra


8 Feb


 I was rummaging through an old box and found this piece of paper which I find disturbingly funny. For those of you who can’t read it, it’s my French progress report from 9th grade. It’s painfully obvious that I didn’t care much about French 15 years ago. I actually laughed out loud when I read the line- “Kate’s essay failed to meet the minimum requirement and she has yet to re-do it. I have scheduled appointments with her to discuss the essay but, for a variety of reasons she has not kept them.” Don’t you just love it? I couldn’t be bothered to meet with my teacher about my incomplete essay? I must have been soooooooo busy back then. In my defense, I thought my teacher, Monsieur Decker, was a crap. All 4 years we spent together we never got along. I wonder where he is now? Maybe I wouldn’t find him as mean today. Wouldn’t it be funny if I found him to teach me French before I turned 30? Ha.

I do have (positive) news to report regarding French though! I ordered Rosetta Stone tapes. I am convinced that this will be my ticket. I’m feeling very confident. I just needed a little break from French to re-group and re-focus…Saturday French classes with my mother (a surprise type A student) really took it out of me. Kidding, Mom!


11 Jan


Recently I have been day dreaming about being in Paris for my 30th birthday ( the goal is to speak French by then of course). Last night my girlfriend sent me this Paris apartment rental website and I almost died. Aren’t these apartments gorgeous??? I think they would inspire anyone to learn French and get their ass to Paris!


8 Jan

Considering I haven’t mastered the French language just yet, this video “How to fake French” may come in handy one day.


5 Jan

Flight of the Frenchies! The title alone sold me! I stumbled upon this video and I think it’s pretty inspiring and thrilling to watch…

I Believe I Can Fly

{Flight of the Frenchies}


2 Jan

My vision board for 2012 is finally complete! I LOVED making it. It’s always so much fun to find the images and words that correspond to what’s in my heart. When I look at my new board, it is very clear to me that I will be traveling a bunch (driving across the usa anyone?), working a bunch, that 365 til 30 will have a lot of continued success, that i’m going to Paris (hopefully for my 30th birthday!), working for both Explore & Takepart, moving into a truly spectacular new home by the beach, signing a book deal…and living happily ever after with Brian. Oh and if you happened to notice a few pictures of babies and kids (rather cute ones)…those are long term goals. I simply want to lay the groundwork for them this year. I truly believe that all of this is possible and that excites me. I just need to get back on the horse from my vacation brain. As much fun as the holidays have been…I am ready to get back to work.

What do you want to manifest for 2012? I’d love to hear!


There is no chance, no destiny, no fate,
That can circumvent or hinder or control
The firm resolve of a determined soul.
~Ella Wheeler Wilcox~


28 Nov

The other night I was up from 3 to 6 am (glorious hours to be up by yourself) thinking about 365 til 30 and my 10 goals. I cannot believe it’s been almost 5 months since it all began. I am truly blown away by how much has happened in the last 5 months- I moved in with Brian, camped, tango’d, cooked, baked, attempted French, written more insane emails than I care to admit, laughed, cried, danced, jumped with joy, had my goals actualize, had meetings that rocked my world, had goals temporarily derailed but still made a point to find the humor in it all.

Getting out of my comfort zone has forced me to see myself differently and laugh more than I thought possible. I also learned that I am much more resilient than I originally gave myself credit for. Not to mention I found the strength to get over my chicken phobia.

But the most amazing part has been how much I was able to manifest by setting a clear intention. I have always had a very clear image of what I wanted my life to look like and it’s coming into focus.

But, you know what kept me awake most during those  glorious hours? Thinking about what still lies ahead. What big surprises are around the corner. What goals I needed to re-strategize to attain and what goals I need to breathe new life into. Because, as much as this blog is about finding the joy in each day it’s also about actualizing these 10 goal and I want them all to happen as much as I did five months ago.

 I have decided that I need to start January off with a clear focus and to do so I need to re-cap, re-stratagize and fall in love with them all again.

So all through December I will be recapping and brainstorming the 10 goals!

For the readers who recently joined the 365 til 30 party this may also help you catch up! I do realize that some of you may think my “Frank” photos means Frank is real. This is not a crazy assumption. Sadly, he’s not. Not yet at least.


18 Sep

My mother and I started French classes yesterday and it was soooooo much fun to be back in school with my mama!

The picture above highlights our attempt to dress in French theme for the class which had us both wearing striped shirts…are striped shirts even French? Strangely enough there were lots of people wearing stripes in the class including our teacher Margaret. She had a striped shirt on and a striped sweater tied around her shoulders. Margaret is full of life and a total riot. She had us laughing out loud for 3 hours with her funny little ways. We lucked out with her because she is going to make learning French that much more fun. Yesterday we worked on pronunciation of vowels in French. My favorite sentence to say…

Il a mille amis a Miami