Tag Archives: Volunteering


7 Feb


Hellllllllo weekend. I’m SO very happy that you have arrived because you are going to be a good one. Tonight Brian and I are having a date night- we have three different restaurants in mind that we could possibly hit up. It’s between Mexican, Pho and Cuban. Tomorrow during the day I’m taking my little sister Ana on our second date….miniature golfing here we come! Tomorrow night we are having two of our favorite couples over for our monthly dinner club…we usually go out and try new restaurants but this time we are staying in because we have a new addition to the group…baby Margot!!! Hopefully Margot likes pizza and wine. And Sunday Brian and I are going to tackle booking hotels for our honeymoon and probably just be cuddly at home all day.


reading….The Goldfinch for a book club that I started recently. I have been falling behind on my reading and needed a little pick me up. I used to read every night when I got in bed but now I seem to fall asleep on the couch while we watch tv. Pathetic! There was a time not too long ago when I didn’t even own a tv! I got so much more done. I also love hanging with my fabulous girlfriends and will find any excuse to have them all in one room, so I thought…I should start a book club! Our first meeting March 22nd. Are any of you guys in book clubs? Do you have any tips on how to throw a fabulous one? Or any great questions to ask?

working on…writing various personal essays. I’ve written four in the past few weeks. I wrote one about the body image issues I developed after ten years working as a professional fit model, one about an interesting encounter I had with a neighbor, one about our trek through Nepal and lastly one about my seven-year battle with anxiety – which I’m happy to report I’ve been winning recently. Each essay has a life of its own and I’ve enjoyed the process of writing them. Oh and the feeling I get from putting them in a little folder entitled “finished  essays”…pure joy. Now, I plan on writing more and trying to get the others published.

watching...sadly, not much of substance lately. I’m patiently waiting for Walking Dead, House Of Cards & Grey’s Anatomy to return and in the meantime I have found myself watching episodes of The Real Housewives Of BH. I know, I know…truly embarrassing.

loving…nesting and working on home projects (I spent far too long mulling over different shades of grey for our walls. Don’t worry the perfect shade has been chosen. PHEW), planning and daydreaming about our upcoming honeymoon (I can’t wait to be away with Brian for a whole month. We so need it) Apples with almond butter (it’s becoming an everyday occurrence), my new Polaroid camera (FUN! although Frank doesn’t seem to find it too fun. He barks and hides when the picture pops out), the coral mirror that my darling husband painted for me (he’s a keeper), trying on my bridesmaid dress with Rachel for her upcoming wedding ( I LOVE it and her) & dinner dates with my beautiful pregnant girlfriend Taline ( I still can’t get it through my head that my best friend is going to become a mama. It blows my mind)

eating…paleo. I’m not strict about it everyday but I’ve been sticking to it Monday- Friday and I really feel a difference…more energy, flatter stomach, better digestion…blah…blah…blah. I’ve even gotten Brian into it. He says he likes it.


“If you have good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely” – Roald Dahl


19 Jan



What a stressful place my head was yesterday morning. I was filled with inner dialogue about everything and anything…365 til 30…posts…life…money…book proposals…laundry…writing assignments…to do lists…meetings….social media…blah…blah…blah. The laundry was seriously stressing me out- I had left the house that morning with boy shorts on as underwear because I had run out of everything else. Classy. Then I went to a fitting were a dog ate my ballet flats when I took them off and I had to walk around the rest of the day with holes in the heel of my shoes. Surprisingly, I was able to see the humor in that as I wobbled into starbuck’s for a coffee.

Yesterday also happened to be the day I was scheduled to start my first day as a volunteer at PATH (People Assisting the Homeless) writing resume cover letters for the residents to help them (hopefully) get jobs.  I have been looking forward to starting at PATH for the last two weeks. I was really excited to find this organization because I have been wanting to work on a more one on one basis with individuals.

Cut to yesterday…I was pulling up to my volunteer session and feeling very tapped out. Wasn’t sure if I had anything to give that day AND I couldn’t stop thinking about getting home to do the pile of laundry and all the other things I wanted to do for myself.   I even thought about going home and starting the volunteer committment next week.  Truly selfish, huh? But….I didn’t.

When I walked in I was brought to the job center and introduced to Julie. The team leader explained to her that I would be assisting her in writing cover letters and helping her to apply for jobs. She looked up at me and her lip started to quiver and she started to tear. It wasn’t the response I was expecting and my heart broke…seriously broke. All the things I had been worrying about seemed so utterly pathetic and small. What a crap I am, I thought, so worried about little things when my life is pretty perfect. Sure I have worries and concerns like everybody but I have a roof over my head, a job, love in my life and 365 til 30 (which is like my baby).

I hugged Julie and told her it would be better. That we would make it better…somehow…someway…we would make it better that day and she said “ok thanks”. We sat down and spent hours writing cover letters. I finally felt like I was in my day and totally with the person in front of me – and not in my head. Nothing else was on my agenda but finding Julie a job. We even started to have some fun with them. I also enjoyed hearing about her life and wants and hopes and talents. She is a lovely, smart, funny and honest person. At the end of the afternoon she gave me a big hug and said thank you and that she was excited to send them out. I felt like I was skipping on rainbows the rest of the afternoon.

My perspective had changed. It’s funny when you are feeling stuck in your own worries, you sometimes forget that a whole other world exists out there.

As I was walking out the door I overheard the team leader tell another resident this…

“Keep your eyes on the prize and the right door will open for you”


Please contact PATH if you would like to volunteer for the organization.


6 Sep


I had another lovely afternoon volunteering for Food On Foot. To witness individuals take action and change their lives for the better is inspiring. I end up leaving there with a huge smile on my face, my heart fuller and feeling empowered myself. I was also happy and surprised when Jay, the man who started Food On Foot asked me if I was the girl who wrote that blog 365 times something. I didn’t even care that he called my blog by the wrong name because I was too thrilled that he actually knew my blog! He stumbled upon it when I first wrote about my experience volunteering for them. The moment got even sweeter when he said he actually liked my blog! I was dying. To have him as a reader means so much because I find what he is doing inspiring. For the last 809 Sundays he has been changing people’s lives for the better with his organization.

This week I was lucky enough to hear recent graduate Margarito’s story.

He now has a full-time job at Tender Greens, his own apartment, is self-supporting and off the streets thanks to the program!

For any of you that would like to volunteer or donate money and clothes to Food On Foot visit this link.



26 Aug


WEEK 7 –

(I cannot believe it’s been 7 weeks. Sweet baby Jesus time flies!)

-What Inspired me this week?-

Volunteering for Food On Foot

The new book I am reading “A Long Way Gone: Memories of a boy soldier” by Ishmael Beah

My favorite blog of the week- Cupcakes & Cashmere …I’ll admit…I have serious blog envy.

My girlfriend Rachel’s blog One Part Gypsy for being an inspiration and for introducing me to Lyrics To Live By

This song – 01 Helena Beat

-What am I grateful for this week?-

My relationship with Brian, he brings me joy, laughter and comfort everyday

My Dad and Pamela, for so many reasons but this week it’s because they bought me Tango classes!

Lazy afternoons writing

My yoga practice



That my friend Jenni comes home from volunteering in Haiti in 4 days! Yes, she’s a rockstar.

The fact that my journey at Tassajara begins in less than 3 weeks!!

365 till 30 because it makes me happy

-What Surprised me this week?-

After volunteering at Food On Foot, I am surprised at how brave the human spirit can be.

An email from one of my favorite sites! I will conquer you!


“To reach a port, we must sail—Sail, not tie at anchor—Sail, not drift.”

Franklin Roosevelt