Tag Archives: funny

10 / 52

27 Jul


I was sitting at my desk the other day when I got a funny feeling that I was being watched. I turned and looked down to see this. Such a little creeper. He proceeded to stay like that for a few minutes too. He’s so weird.

Side note – I have not been doing a very good job about keeping up with this weekly series. Sometimes I feel like people are sick of all my Frank photos. My brother even shamed me recently by telling me that I look like a crazy person on Facebook due to the amount of photos I post of Frank. What can I say? I’m a proud mom and it’s hard not to considering he’s so damn photogenic.

Anyway…I’m back…or should I say…we’re back.


find me (us) elsewhere : instagram @kate365 / facebook / twitter 

I never claimed to be an actress…

27 Nov

My brother Nik is an uber-talented filmmaker, and he’s only seventeen! Seriously, the kid has over a million views on one of his Youtube videos.  Impressive, right? Recently he’s been doing online commercials for a company named Markisa and he asked if Brian and I would help him out and be in one. Considering I can’t say no to my brother (he’s got me wrapped around his finger!) and Brian can’t say no to me (HA) here is our acting debut as a couple!


6 Feb

I am pretty sure the pain I felt yesterday was equal to the pain Brian felt when he was forced to watch the Golden Globes. For those of you who didn’t read that post…it’s a must. Brian was in rare form that evening. At the time I found him terribly annoying and now it makes me laugh out loud.

Well, everything came full circle yesterday when I was forced to watch the Super Bowl. I fought it all the way. I simply did not want to go to a bar on a Sunday afternoon to watch the super bowl with Brian and his friends because one, I truly don’t care about football two, I hate bars in the afternoon and three, because I truly don’t care about football. But I knew Brian wanted me to join and I didn’t want to be a total party pooper, so I agreed to go. Cut to the day of the festivities and I couldn’t think of anything I wanted to do less. I spent all morning thinking of ways to get out of it. A few excuses…I don’t feel well…I have writing to do…maybe he would have more fun without me…I want to straighten up the house…I want to do laundry…none of them stuck. In the end I went and I survived it but It was still a painful 5 hours that I will never get back in life.

The highlight of my afternoon (other than watching his friend shed a tear because he was so happy the Giants won) was the below commercial. When it came on the screen I screamed, “Frank’s famous!!!” Brian was less enthused than I. Even better was the slew of messages I received after the commercial aired from people asking if I had seen Frank in the Sketcher commercial. To answer your question..yes I did…and I think he outdid himself. He shined.


12 Jan


After reading my post today my Dad sent me this note…



I found this to be a very spiritual post!!!!!!!

I’ll talk to you later. The Dalai Lama is on the phone. Gotta go.

Love Dad


Guess I won’t say he doesn’t meditate ever again!


8 Dec


People are starting to think I am a bit insane when it comes to Frank ( Minus my mother who now calls every French Bulldog on the street a “Frank dog”). Why do I think people are starting to think I am insane? Because everyone asks me how Frank is doing and I have to explain he is not real. Then they give me a concerned look and smile and say “Oh, that’s cute.” I can’t say I blame them, it’s probably not cute for a 29-year-old women to have a pretend dog. The truth is, I’m not sure how to manifest Frank at this exact moment because we can’t have a dog in our place! We are looking to move in the new year for this very reason. Maybe Frank is supposed to manifest closer to my 30th birthday and I am going to have to sit tight and get comfortable with the fact that people are going to think I am a bit insane.


Frank 1

Frank 2

Frank 3

Frank 4

Frank 5

Frank 6

Frank 7

Frank 8

Frank 9 

Frank 10

Frank 11


29 Sep


My mom is kicking my ass at learning French! She’s obsessed. OBSESSED. She has taken to only texting me in French…often taking it a step further by  putting the pronunciation of words in parenthesis next to them. When I read her texts I think…how is she already writing sentences in French and…my mother is kicking my ass at learning French.

I would have gone my whole life never knowing my Mom was a type A student if it wasn’t for this experience. In class she sits in the front row with a huge grin on her face, often turning around (because I am not in the front row) and mouthing “Isn’t this fun?!”  to me multiple times. Throughout the week she also likes to ask me daily if I have finished my French homework (she always has in case you were wondering). I love and ADORE my mother but she’s kicking my ass at learning French.

Merde (Shit)


Text from my mother before my trip to Sedona

“Mais bon voyage a Brian (pronounced Bree-YON) and tu!! Je t’adore.”