Tag Archives: Jay Goldinger


6 Sep


I had another lovely afternoon volunteering for Food On Foot. To witness individuals take action and change their lives for the better is inspiring. I end up leaving there with a huge smile on my face, my heart fuller and feeling empowered myself. I was also happy and surprised when Jay, the man who started Food On Foot asked me if I was the girl who wrote that blog 365 times something. I didn’t even care that he called my blog by the wrong name because I was too thrilled that he actually knew my blog! He stumbled upon it when I first wrote about my experience volunteering for them. The moment got even sweeter when he said he actually liked my blog! I was dying. To have him as a reader means so much because I find what he is doing inspiring. For the last 809 Sundays he has been changing people’s lives for the better with his organization.

This week I was lucky enough to hear recent graduate Margarito’s story.

He now has a full-time job at Tender Greens, his own apartment, is self-supporting and off the streets thanks to the program!

For any of you that would like to volunteer or donate money and clothes to Food On Foot visit this link.
