starting the day off right…

7 Jul


I’ve recently decided to make some changes to my morning routine. Inspired by my friend Rachel who recently cancelled her FB account because she was tired of being a slave to it, I began to think about how social media in general plays a role in my daily life. My typical weekday morning routine would usually go something like this…Brian’s alarm goes off and he gets out of bed, makes us coffee and then brings Frank and coffee to bed for a morning snuggle. All of this is great and I wouldn’t change a thing but once Brian gets up to take a shower I would invariably find myself finishing my coffee while scrolling through Facebook, instagram & CNN (the last one isn’t bad) on my phone. It dawned on me that spending this precious early morning time focusing on everybody else’s world instead of spending it in my own head space was creating a very unfocused, drained and unsettled energy in me. I really think this early morning time before you step out into the buzz of the world is sacred. I go through phases where I have had a healthier morning routine and I always notice such a difference in my life when I do.

There are three different tools I have used in the past that have always helped me connect and get centered with myself at the start of each day. There was a period I wrote “morning pages” everyday with my coffee. The basic concept is to write three longhand, stream of consciousness pages every day, first thing in the morning, no matter what. Writing these pages requires you to be honest with yourself. It’s challenging to write every day about the things that are bothering you and what’s going on. You recognize the truth about what’s working or not working in your life.

The next is reading my “I am so happy and grateful” list each morning. This list is a list of things I want to manifest in my life which I write from the present tense every few months as if they have already happened.

“I am so happy and grateful that _________”

In doing so I let myself imagine and experience these things being a reality. Writing this list also helps me get very clear about what I want my world to look and feel like rather than just letting life happen to me.

Lastly, reading a list of affirmations every morning. My current list….

nothing can upset my peace of mind unless I allow it

I am healthy, happy and hopeful with every person I meet

Everyone who comes in contact with me today will feel that there is something good and beautiful in them

I see the benefit in everything. No obstacles just opportunities

I think only about creating value

I am just as happy about the success of others as I am about my own

A “from this moment onward…” spirit in all that I do today

I give so much time to my own improvement that I have no time to criticize others

I am too strong for fear, too kind for anger, and too happy for worry

Everything changes

I’m going to aim to do all three exercises every morning but I know that If I do at least one that I will feel the difference. So I am saying goodbye to social media in the mornings and I am going to instead spend some quiet time with my head.


What are some of your morning routines? Tools for a better head space? I’d love to hear!

13 Responses to “starting the day off right…”

  1. Lonifoundherself July 7, 2014 at 9:32 am #

    I’m also a slave to Facebook, Instagram, and email (not in that order) first thing in the morning. You’re right – it IS disconcerting to start your day like that.

    Now that Margot sleeps in her own room, Mike gets her out of her crib and carries her in to lie in bed with me for a few minutes in the morning. It’s a much better way to start my day.

    • katemcclafferty July 7, 2014 at 11:10 am #

      I can’t believe Margot already sleeps in her own crib- time flies! You must love those morning cuddles with her. That’s WAY better then FB and instagram! Miss you all. Date soon:)

  2. the usual bliss July 7, 2014 at 9:59 am #

    I definitely spend time before I even get out of bed scrolling through instagram. But my favorite part of every day is Cholula diving into the crook of my neck and greedily soaking up as much love as I’ll give. I always put my phone down to give her attention and feel like my day can truly start after our love-fest routine. I love your affirmations list idea. xxx

    • katemcclafferty July 7, 2014 at 11:12 am #

      I totally get it- I LOVE my morning cuddles with Frank. He usually crawls under the covers and rests his warm little body in the crook of my legs. It’s my favorite. I would love to hear some of your affirmations. I know you’d have really good ones. Share! Share! Share! xoxo

      • the usual bliss July 8, 2014 at 5:51 pm #

        I think a goal of mine should be to be more specific with my day’s goals. Lately I’ve been trying to focus on the bigger picture and understand/accept that smaller/current situations don’t define me- they’re just part of this life that I’m going through at this moment. It helps me get through the days that feel overwhelming… and don’t we all have those??

  3. Miss Lynzie July 7, 2014 at 10:09 am #

    I LOVE THIS. I spent six whole months not using FB at all, and I still don’t have it on my phone, but man that site is such a bad habit. I’m also trying to redefine my daily rhythm and I totally agree that the morning is a sacred space. But with three little ones vying for attention at the very break of day, I’m beginning to accept that my window for clear thinking comes at the tail end of the evening, when I’m exhausted and not in the mood for sitting and writing. I’m working on it.

    • katemcclafferty July 7, 2014 at 11:15 am #

      I can’t imagine having three little ones vying for my attention! I find it hard enough to find the time every day to maintain myself emotionally, physically and spiritually! Let alone have a job, be a wife and a doggie mama. There’s not enough time in the day:) xx

  4. jadejourdan July 7, 2014 at 10:41 am #

    This is a great idea…like all of the AM positive thoughts to focus one’s brain in the right direction for each day. So cool!

    • katemcclafferty July 7, 2014 at 11:16 am #

      Thanks Jade! I’m interested to see what flourishes in my life if I can stick with this practice on a daily basis!

  5. di @ life of di. July 7, 2014 at 5:04 pm #

    I love this idea and I really need to get into a better morning routine. I usually get up and head straight to work where I eat breakfast while reading a book/surfing the Internet. I am only working for two more weeks so I’m not sure what new routines I can develop while there; however, I’m really wanting to get into a devotional or to journal in the morning. 🙂 Love that photo by the way!

  6. righteousbruin9 July 7, 2014 at 8:17 pm #

    Starting off the day with affirmations is essential, and I hope you internalize that mode. I start with a shower, then prayer, breakfast and then an hour or so of blogging and e-mail, when I am home. While in Europe, I focused on just enjoying the different environments and not so much was devoted to Internet.



    […] this time to carving out a few new habits and hobbies for myself. My beautiful friend Kate wrote this thoughtful essay about refining her morning routine which really resonated with the struggle I have […]

  2. inspiration, gratitude & surprises | - July 18, 2014

    […] my new morning routine […]

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