inspiration, gratitude & surprises

1 Aug


We are off on another weekend getaway with the Garahan’s! This time we are going camping. I’ve definitely warmed up to the whole idea of paying to sleep in the dirt since the first time I camped with Brian in Big Sur a few years ago. This will be my third time camping (last year we did Mammoth with Mike & Loni). This weekend we choose a campground a little closer to home and are heading to Ojai. Considering camping was on Brian’s “summer to do list” I know he’s very excited about the next few days. Surprisingly, I’m actually looking forward to it too. Nothing better for the soul then a little nature, right?

what inspired me this week?

I saw the movie “Boyhood” and simply loved it! Such a beautiful and poetic film. I think Richard Linklater is a genius

 “Things don’t happen to you- they happen for you”

this quote…”Two things define you. Your patience when you have nothing, and your attitude when you have everything.” – unknown

This weeks project 30 post

what am I grateful for this week?

the arrival of baby Liam

Erin Haslag for letting me know about the brilliant website Skillshare. What an amazing resource. I’ve already watched a bunch of online classes on photography. love

what surprised me this week?

when I received a bill from my the surgeon who performed my gallbladder surgery for 63,000….yes 63,000!! After I had a full blown panic attack, I called his office, only to learn that they had made a mistake and forgot to include my insurance. I actually owe 0…yes 0. Seriously, they could have killed me!


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2 Responses to “inspiration, gratitude & surprises”

  1. righteousbruin9 August 1, 2014 at 10:11 am #

    Ojai sounds great. I have not been to that part of California- maybe I will check it out, after going to Santa Barbara later this Fall.

    The medical bill is usually sent in two-stages: The before-insurance payment part, and the balance due part, which comes later. The first notice is provided so that the patient sees the “true cost” of the procedure.

  2. amelie88 August 2, 2014 at 9:44 pm #

    omg 63,000 dollars!! Gotta love our health care system because imagine if you had been uninsured! I had a similar surprise last year when there was some kind of mix up between my dermatologist’s office and my pharmacy with my insurance when I went to pick up a prescription for Accutane and they told me it would cost me over $1000!! Granted, not as much as 63,000 but I threw a fit at CVS because there was no way I was going to pay over 5,000 over the course of 5 months for an Accutane prescription! Luckily they figured it out and my insurance covered it but of course CVS and my dermatologist kept insisting the mix up was on the other person’s end. Sigh.

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