18: Dear drive across the country

20 Jun

(photo by)

Dear Drive across the country,

You, I love. You speak to the free-spirited, adventurous and untamed side of me. The wanderer. The nomad. The girl who hates order, rules and schedules. The woman whose soul feels most alive when dipping her toes into the unknown. You speak to the part of me I happen to love the most- the very essence of me. The thing that makes me tick. The part of me that I fight to keep alive despite needing and wanting to plant roots.

When I first decided I wanted to accomplish you, I was the tender age of 20. Nothing sounded more exciting or more intoxicating than being on the open road for an extended period of time- getting lost, getting found, exploring, hearing stranger’s stories and seeing the different landscapes of the USA.

You have been a dream that I have been desperate to make a reality for the last 10 years.

When at 20, I decided I wanted to accomplish you, you seemed like an easy goal to tackle before 30. I had 10 years to find the time to take a month off from my life and hit the open road! But then, a funny thing happened. The years started to slip away and it never seemed like the right time to make you a reality. Life got in the way. Responsibilities got in the way and I started to feel as if you were a selfish, silly and impossible goal to accomplish. But the truth is, I never stopped thinking about you…I always pined for you.

Cut to a few days before my 29th birthday- the day I was writing my crazy 365 til 3o goal list. I felt alive with excitement and full of possibility and I, of course, wrote you on my list. I knew that somehow, someway I would find a way to make you a reality this year. Come hell or high water, I was driving across this great country of ours.

I’m not going to lie…you were a hard one to figure out! There is still no perfect time to leave your life for a month and drop off the radar. Well, I guess I wasn’t necessarily off the radar considering I could be found at all times via my twitter, instagram, facebook and blog, but you know what I mean…I was away from my everyday life. My schedule. My worries. My fears.

I was a girl on the open road without a care in the world. 

You didn’t teach me anything about myself that I didn’t already know, instead you strengthened my belief in myself. You reminded me why this is still my favorite qoute- ““Not all those who wander are lost.” – J. R. R. Tolkien

You also reminded me that there is never a perfect time to make our dreams a reality. The time is now.

The world is such a big and beautiful place and I don’t want to stop exploring it…ever. Even if that means having to drag around a few kids and lots of extra baggage one day.

It’s all about balance in life, right?

Love ya


“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” – St. Augustine


365til30: instagram  @kate365, twitterfacebook

23 Responses to “18: Dear drive across the country”

  1. Cassy June 20, 2012 at 8:54 am #

    Ah the open road… I love it so much. =D I so glad you got to have the experience and achieve that goal!

  2. Rebecca Koo June 20, 2012 at 9:07 am #

    I am totally behind here and look forward to catching up, but I have to take a moment to say I LOVE this post. You show us a piece of your soul here and it is just as beautiful as the rest of you! What a versatile writer you are, Kate! Thank you for this!

  3. Francesca Zelnick June 20, 2012 at 9:22 am #

    Love, love, LOVE this! I can’t wait to do my own 365 til 30 adventure (thanks for the wonderful idea and inspiration!).

  4. the usual bliss June 20, 2012 at 10:46 am #

    I can’t wait to see what your next set of goals are… they inspire me!

  5. Texas Rambler June 20, 2012 at 10:46 am #

    The open road… I wish I could do it 365 but I will take whatever I can get… Who needs a shrink when you can travel…

  6. cravesadventure June 20, 2012 at 10:54 am #

    Beautiful Post – Have a Great Day:)

  7. keystreesandme June 20, 2012 at 12:36 pm #

    This is so poetically written! I really enjoy it 🙂 My recent road trip was so spur of the moment and crazy (14 hours of travel and only about 20 hours actually spent at my destination), but that’s why I had to do it. There’s so much to experience in life that it would be a shame to get caught up in our same old routines for too long!

  8. whitt88 June 20, 2012 at 6:46 pm #

    This is “you” at your very best, Kate. Keep this youthful enthusiasm alive forever, and write like this. You’re much too good at it not to make it last. Writing a love letter to the open road… — beautiful prose.

    • whitt88 June 24, 2012 at 11:29 pm #

      Hi again Kate. If you are interested this, I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award.

      Blog Buttons

      • katemcclafferty June 25, 2012 at 1:54 pm #

        Thank you so much!! Very kind of you!!

  9. madforliving June 21, 2012 at 8:57 pm #

    Love this! The last quote is perfect.

  10. gregorychankins June 22, 2012 at 3:01 pm #

    I think your road trip and the joy (minus the speeding tickets) you found along the way appealed to the wonderer in all our spirits.


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